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10. 1984 Jan. 23, 23 January 1984

 File — Box: 7, Folder: 10

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: The collection contains correspondence, minutes, membership and financial records, and other material, 1919-1990, from the Office of the Secretary Treasurer of the Philadelphia Urological Society. Series 1 is a single volume (disbound) of early society records, 1929-1979, containing minutes of its scientific meetings and Executive Committee, monthly and annual treasurer's reports, correspondence, and a dues ledger for inactive, senior, and deceased members, which includes some letters, biographical information, and obituaries.

The bulk of the collection is in Series 2, which contains the session files concerning each meeting of the Philadelphia Urological Society, 1969-1989. The files injSeries 2.1 contain programs, correspondence with lecturers, agenda and minutes of the scientific meetings and Executive Committee, and expense statements, September 1969 through April 1988. Other material, such as attendance lists and abstracts of presentations, is occasionally included. Series 2.2 contains attendance lists and program evaluations for sessions from 1977 through April 1989 and a file of correspondence, 1976-1985, concerning the society's Continuing Medical Education program of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Correspondence files of the Philadelphia Urological Society's Executive Committee, 1981-1988, are contained in Series 3. Most of this material concerns revision of the constitution and by laws, discussions of future programs, and the society's opposition to the recommendation of the Keystone Peer Review Organization to treat transurethral resection of bladder tumors on an outpatient basis. Some minutes and financial reports are included. Executive Committee minutes, 1948-1969, are contained in Series 1; minutes after 1969 are preserved in the session files in Series 2.

Chronological correspondence files of the society's secretary treasurers, 1961-1986, are contained in Series 4. These files are primarily from the tenure of Terrence R. Malloy (1972-1977) and concern arrangements for meetings of the Philadelphia Urological Society and membership matters. The series also includes individual files on Residents' Night arrangements, a 1988 Urologic Symposium, sponsored, in part, by the society, historical information, and a file of procedures for the secretary treasurer, outlining the duties of the office and the conduct of business at each session.

Series 5 contains records of membership of the society including completed applications with bibliographies, biographical information and resumes, and sponsoring letters and proposals, 1959-1990. The series also contains chronological files of membership correspondence, 1962-1988, primarily containing letters from local urologists expressing interest in or requesting information about the society, and several membership lists, 1962-1984.

Financial records of the Philadelphia Urological Society, 1919-1988, are preserved in Series 6. A cash book, 19801988, and account statements, 1968-1988, document the society's recent financial status and transactions; financial reports for 1949 to 1967 are contained in Series 1. Series 6 also includes three folders of material concerning the society's Benjamin A. Thomas Lectureship Trust Fund, 1919-1980, which was established in 1919 to provide an annual address on a urological subject. The series contains correspondence, including a letter of Benjamin A. Thomas, expressing his intent to establish thejtrust fund, a deed of trust, and account statements.


  • 23 January 1984


From the Collection: 5.4 Linear feet (13 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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