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6. 1932

 File — Box: 1

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: Reports, minutes, letters, and financial records, 1864-1968, document the proceedings and business of the Hall Committee and concern the condition, contents, rental, and use of the College buildings at 13th and Locust Streets and 19 South 22nd Street.

Series 1 contains the Hall Committee's reports, generally annual reports, to the College of Physicians and, later, its Council, 1864-1928; later annual reports are filed with the committee minutes. Many of the early reports, written by Edward Hartshorne, describe conditions in the Locust Street building.

Monthly reports of the Superintendent, 1927-1939, are in Series 2. These reports concern the physical state of the 22nd Street building and its repairs, improvements, and problems. Later Superintendent's reports also are filed with the committee minutes.

Minutes of the Hall Committee, 18~4-1968, along with correspondence and reports, are in Series 3.

Series 4 contains three subseries of letters of the Hall Committee chairmen, particularly Morris J, Lewis and Horace Y. Evans. There are two small chronological files, 1882- 1883 and 1900-1909, which are generally concerned with rental matters, and a larger alphabetical subject file, 1886-1896, concerning College furnishings and lighting as well as the donation, acquisition, and loan of portraits and other artworks. An 1888 inventory of all College furnishings and artworks in included.

Series 5 contains cashbooks, receipt books, and a checkbook of the Hall Committee, documenting rental of College facilities and other income and expenditures, 1885-1908.


  • 1927-1939


From the Collection: 2.5 Linear feet (7 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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