Showing Collections: 181 - 190 of 859
Financial records of the Committee on the Mütter Museum
Identifier: CPP 10/007-05
Scope and Contents
The collection contains cash books, checkbooks, cancelled
checks and account statements, bills, receipt books and
receipts, vouchers, and audit and financial reports of the
Committee on the Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians
of Philadelphia, documenting the financial transactions and
history of the Mutter Museum and College Collections, 1863-
1972. Earlier materials in the collection, in particular,
document the purchase, transport, and restoration of museum
anatomical and pathological...
1863 - 1972
Forster family papers
Identifier: MSS 2/300
Scope and Contents
The collection contains letters sent and received, 1819-1887,
by members of the Forster family of Dauphin County, Pa., particularly
General John Forster (1777-1863); his second wife, Margaret
S. Forster (1804-1891); Mrs. Forster's son, James H. Stuart
(1828-1854); and Benjamin L. Forster, the second son of John
and Margaret Forster.Although the content of the Forster family letters is personal
in nature, there are many observations concerning matters of
individual and public...
1819 - 1877
F.R. Packard slide collection (unprocessed)
Identifier: CoPSp.ACC2305
Scope and Contents note
The Packard slide collection contains approximately 1200 lantern slides on medical history. Slides include: portraits of physicians and scientists; instruments and equipment; frontispieces of medical texts; illustrations of anatomy and medical procedures; caricatures; and buildings. The collection also includes a card index of images and their sources.
Francis C. Grant papers
Identifier: MSS 2/184
Scope and Contents
This collection contains professional, personal, and subject
correspondence; financial and property papers; course material;
discussions, book and article reviews, and miscellaneous writings;
and extensive case records with indexes, documenting the life,
interests, and neurosurgical career of Francis Clark Grant. Although
the correspondence is incomplete (primarily 1923 to 1933), the
discussions and reviews extend to 1949, and the case records span
Grant's entire career, 1921-1957....
1920 - 1957
Francis C. Wood papers II
Identifier: MSS 2/228-02
Scope and Contents
Personal and professional papers, correspondence, speeches, and records of medical practice and military service, 1925-1989, of Philadelphia, Pa., cardiologist and educator, Francis C. Wood.Series 1 documents Francis C. Wood’s family and personal life, education, and honors and awards, 1949-1984. Includes family correspondence, press releases, and financial and legal papers.General correspondence in Series 2 includes letters of physicians, non-physicians, and letters of...
1925 - 1989
Francis Clark Wood papers I
Identifier: MSS 2/228-01
Scope and Contents
This collection is the larger of two collections of Francis C. Wood's papers, the other being MSS 2/0228-02. This extensive collection (1892-1989) chronicles the life and career of a 20th century physician, scientist, soldier, administrator, and teacher. The collection is divided roughly evenly among the different phases of his life and career. Because Dr. Wood was a leader in both his community and profession, the collection documents the activities and functioning of many institutions and...
1892 - 1989
Francis F. Rosenbaum papers (unprocessed)
Identifier: 1987-19
Scope and Contents note
This is a collection of papers of Francis F. Rosenbaum. Materials include: incoming and outgoing correspondence with fellow physicians regarding patient referrals; correspondence with professional organizations, publishers; office files and correspondence with vendors of medical and office machinery and supplies; personal correspondence; lecture notes from medical school and college yearbooks; a small amount of juvenilia, including drawings and a spelling book; manuscripts and illustrations for...
Francis Julius Le Moyne lecture and matriculation tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/237
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Francis Julius LeMoyne's matriculation
and lecture admission tickets, 1820-1822, document his education
in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania.
Faculty members whose lectures LeMoyne attended include: John
Redman Coxe on materia medica and pharmacy; William Gibson on
surgery; Robert Hare on chemistry; Thomas C. James on midwifery;
and Philip Syng Physick and William E. Horner on anatomy.
1820 - 1823
Francis R. Packard papers
Identifier: MSS 2/034
Scope and Contents
This collection of correspondence, addresses, writings, and research
materials documents Francis R. Packard's work with the history
of medicine and his editorship of "The annals of medical history".Series 1 contains two collections of Packard's incoming correspondence
(1893-1950) with occasional copies of his outgoing letters.
Series 1.1 is filed alphabetically by name of correspondent;
subjects include submissions to "The annals of medical history",
inquiries concerning the...
1893 - 1950
Frank Fisher papers
Identifier: MSS 2/048
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Frank Fisher materials contains correspondence,
a pathological report, two miscellaneous items, and some financial
bills and receipts. Series 1 contains 20 letters received by Frank Fisher and
1 letter which he wrote, 1891-1908. Many of these items deal with
ophthalmological matters or patients of Fisher. Notable items
include: a letter, 1908, from Blanche Bard Dailey concerning
Fisher's charges; a referral from L. Webster Fox (ca.1891?);
1879 - 1908
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Correspondence 352
- Minutes 109
- Lecture notes 106
- Reports 89
- Financial records 79
- Photographs 68
- Clippings 45
- Speeches (documents) 38
- Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 37
- Medicine -- Practices 36
- Committees 34
- Ledgers (account books) 34
- Annual reports 33
- Essays 33
- Lectures 33
- Typescripts 31
- Materia Medica 30
- Medical libraries -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 28
- Patient records 28
- Daybooks 27
- Manuscripts (documents) 26
- Obstetrics 24
- Anatomy 23
- Patients 23
- Recipes 23
- Surgery 23
- Diaries 21
- Medicine -- Practice -- Accounting 20
- Publications (documents) 19
- Certificates 18
- Pathology 17
- Physiology 17
- Research notes 17
- Admission tickets 16
- Medical students -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 16
- Membership records 16
- Bylaws (administrative records) 15
- Genealogies (histories) 15
- Physicians -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 15
- Chemistry 14
- Library catalogs 14
- Prescriptions 14
- Fellows 13
- Medical illustration 13
- Medical museums 13
- Casebooks 12
- Programs (documents) 12
- Special events 12
- Women in medicine 12
- Yellow Fever 12
- Awards 11
- Biography files 11
- Medical societies 11
- Memorandums 11
- Philadelphia (Pa.) 11
- Physicians 11
- Administrative records 10
- Anatomical abnormalities 10
- Collections management (Libraries) 10
- Dissection 10
- Fever 10
- Gifts 10
- Medical records 10
- Pathological museums 10
- Phrenology 10
- Receipts (financial records) 10
- Case studies 9
- Catalogs 9
- Ephemera 9
- General Surgery 9
- Newsletters 9
- Reprints 9
- Scrapbooks 9
- Articles 8
- Grants 8
- Medicine -- History 8
- Midwifery 8
- Poetry 8
- Therapeutics 8
- Account books 7
- Book collecting 7
- Clinical notes 7
- Deeds 7
- Diplomas 7
- Finance 7
- Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
- Medical libraries 7
- Medical offices -- Nineteenth century 7
- Medical schools -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- History 7
- Ophthalmologists -- Philadelphia, Pa. 7
- Physicians -- Nineteenth century 7
- Autographs 6
- Character readings 6
- Digestive System Diseases 6
- Examinations -- Questions 6
- Gynecology 6
- Hospitals -- Administration -- Philadelphia, Pa. 6
- Lantern slides 6
- Library users 6
- Medical care -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865 6 ∧ less
- Names
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 41
- University of Pennsylvania 40
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 39
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 35
- Rush, Benjamin 23
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 20
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 17
- Chapman, Nathaniel 16
- Jefferson Medical College 16
- Philadelphia General Hospital 15
- Fisher, Charles Perry 13
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 10
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Curator 10
- Mütter Museum 10
- Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 10
- Coxe, John Redman 9
- Physick, Philip Syng 9
- Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 8
- Osler, William, Sir 8
- Dunglison, Robley 7
- Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 7
- Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 7
- Leidy, Joseph 7
- Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 7
- Philadelphia College of Medicine 7
- Philadelphia County Medical Society 7
- Roberts, John Bingham 7
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 7
- Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 7
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 6
- Mitchell, Silas Weir 6
- Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 6
- Carson, Joseph 5
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Building Committee 5
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Treasurer 5
- Dorsey, John Syng 5
- Girvin, John H. (John Harper) 5
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 5
- Jackson, Samuel 5
- Parrish, Joseph 5
- Radbill, Samuel X. 5
- United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Board of Naval Surgeons) 5
- University of Edinburgh 5
- University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 5
- Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 4
- Bache, Franklin 4
- Bache, Thomas Hewson 4
- Blockley Almshouse 4
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library Committee 4
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health, Preventive, and Industrial Medicine 4
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 4
- Curie, Marie 4
- Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 4
- Fowlers and Wells’ Phrenological Cabinet 4
- Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 4
- Gibson, William 4
- Hinsdale, Guy 4
- Keen, William W. (William Williams) 4
- McDaniel, W. B., II (Walton Brooks) 4
- Medical Library Association 4
- Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 4
- Pathological Society of Philadelphia 4
- Pepper, William 4
- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 4
- Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 4
- Stillé, Alfred 4
- Sturgis, Samuel Booth 4
- Tyson, James 4
- United States. Navy 4
- Wistar, Caspar 4
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 4
- Abbe, Robert 3
- Alms-House (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
- Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Board of Trustees 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Executive Director 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Ophthalmology 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the Building Fund 3
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
- Hare, Robert 3
- Harvard Medical School 3
- Hewson, Thomas T. 3
- Horner, William E. (William Edmonds) 3
- Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 3
- James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
- Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
- Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 3
- Micozzi, Marc S. 3
- Mitchell, John K. (John Kearsley) 3
- Muller, George P. (George Paul) 3
- Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 3
- Pancoast, Joseph 3
- Parke, Thomas 3
- Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 3
- Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 3
- Sizer, Nelson 3 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more