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Showing Collections: 771 - 780 of 859

Thomas Grier Miller papers

Identifier: MSS 2/148
Scope and Contents This collection contains biographical and genealogical information, correspondence with individuals and institutions, addresses, writings, photographs, and awards, certificates and diplomas, 1890-1981, documenting T. Grier Miller's life, interests, and career, particularly his gastroenterological research at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.Major correspondents in the collection are: William Bennett Bean, T. H. Boon, W. Russell Brain, Katharine O'Shea Elsom,...
Dates: 1890 - 1981

Thomas Hewson Bache chronological sketch of the Netherlands from the earliest times to the reign of the Emp[eror] Charles V

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/091
Scope and Contents Volume relates history of the Netherlands from era of Gallic tribes to 16th century. Also included are Bache’s Geographical sketch of Spain and maps of the Netherlands, Spain, and Andalusia. Includes occasional marginal notes or comments on text.
Dates: undated

Thomas Hewson essay on the treatment of varicose veins

Identifier: MSS 2/229-02
Scope and Contents Essay read to College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 29 Oct. 1833, describing cause of varicose veins and treatment by surgery and application of pressure. Includes case description from Pennsylvania Hospital.
Dates: 1833

Thomas Hewson notes on the last illness of Dr. W. S. Coxe

Identifier: MSS 2/229-01
Scope and Contents Describes lifestyle and habits of William Smith Coxe, then his symptoms and Hewson’s treatment. Includes findings from autopsy of Coxe, performed twenty-four hours after his death on 20 July 1837. Cause of death not specified, but Coxe suffered from orchitis (an inflamed and enlarged testicle).
Dates: 1837

Thomas J. Grahame essay on influenza

Identifier: MSS 2/161
Scope and Contents Thomas J. Grahame defines influenza and describes current theories of its causation, symptoms, and treatment, 1857.
Dates: 1857

Thomas J. Shivers notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/185
Scope and Contents Notes taken by Thomas Shivers, Jr., on lectures of John Syng Dorsey on materia medica and Nathaniel Chapman on practice of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1817. Bulk concern Dorsey’s lectures (nos. 1-25 in vol. 1 and 26-45 in vol. 2). After discussion of nutrition and disease, Dorsey describes medications and their uses according to arrangement of emetics, cathartics, diuretics, antilithics, diaphoretics, sialogogues, emmenagogues, and anthelmintics. Volume 2 contains brief notes on...
Dates: 1817

Thomas Justus Dunott notes on the lectures of Thomas D. Mütter

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/239
Scope and Contents Student notes by Thomas J. Dunott on surgical lectures of Thomas D. Mütter at Jefferson Medical College, 1852. Notes interleaved with Mütter’s Syllabus of the course of lectures on the principles and practice of surgery. Dunott’s notes concern: amputation; diseases and fractures of bones; inflammation; and wounds and injuries, specifically of head and abdomen. Includes occasional notes on John Kearsley Mitchell’s lectures on practice of medicine.
Dates: 1852

Thomas Parke notebook

Identifier: MSS 2/099
Scope and Contents Volume of Parke’s notes, 1767, on Pierre Joseph Macquer’s Elements of the theory and practice of chymistry (1764), considering elements and their interactions; Geoffroy’s table of comparative affinities; and metals and their ores. Volume also includes Parke’s notes of examination questions on anatomy and chemistry given to graduates of the College of Philadelphia’s Medical School in 1769. Examiners include Adam Kuhn, John Morgan, and William Shippen.
Dates: 1767 - 1769

Thomas R. Neilson papers

Identifier: MSS 2/021
Scope and Contents This collection of Thomas R. Neilson's papers touches on many areas of the professional career and personal life of this Philadelphia physician, surgeon, and teacher. The bulk of the collection, comprised of professional correspondence and surgical case records, comes from a narrow period of time, 1888 to 1892, years when Neilson was approaching middle age and was well advanced in medical career. His early education, family affairs, and financial situation are also documented....
Dates: 1865 - 1937

Thomas Ruston papers

Identifier: MSS 2/137
Scope and Contents This small collection of manuscripts, 1764-1802, documents the education, medical career, and personal life of Thomas Ruston. Items in the collection relating to Ruston's medical education at the University of Edinburgh include notes on two lectures on the pulse delivered by William Cullen with drafts of three letters by Ruston describing his affairs, 1764-1765; petitions signed by the students of the university, protesting the lack of regulations in granting degrees, 1764; and an...
Dates: 1764 - 1802

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Correspondence 352
Minutes 109
Lecture notes 106
Reports 89
Financial records 79
∨ more
Photographs 68
Clippings 45
Speeches (documents) 38
Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 37
Medicine -- Practices 36
Committees 34
Ledgers (account books) 34
Annual reports 33
Essays 33
Lectures 33
Typescripts 31
Materia Medica 30
Medical libraries -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 28
Patient records 28
Daybooks 27
Manuscripts (documents) 26
Obstetrics 24
Anatomy 23
Patients 23
Recipes 23
Surgery 23
Diaries 21
Medicine -- Practice -- Accounting 20
Publications (documents) 19
Certificates 18
Pathology 17
Physiology 17
Research notes 17
Admission tickets 16
Medical students -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 16
Membership records 16
Bylaws (administrative records) 15
Genealogies (histories) 15
Physicians -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 15
Chemistry 14
Library catalogs 14
Prescriptions 14
Fellows 13
Medical illustration 13
Medical museums 13
Casebooks 12
Programs (documents) 12
Special events 12
Women in medicine 12
Yellow Fever 12
Awards 11
Biography files 11
Medical societies 11
Memorandums 11
Philadelphia (Pa.) 11
Physicians 11
Administrative records 10
Anatomical abnormalities 10
Collections management (Libraries) 10
Dissection 10
Fever 10
Gifts 10
Medical records 10
Pathological museums 10
Phrenology 10
Receipts (financial records) 10
Case studies 9
Catalogs 9
Ephemera 9
General Surgery 9
Newsletters 9
Reprints 9
Scrapbooks 9
Articles 8
Grants 8
Medicine -- History 8
Midwifery 8
Poetry 8
Therapeutics 8
Account books 7
Book collecting 7
Clinical notes 7
Deeds 7
Diplomas 7
Finance 7
Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
Medical libraries 7
Medical offices -- Nineteenth century 7
Medical schools -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- History 7
Ophthalmologists -- Philadelphia, Pa. 7
Physicians -- Nineteenth century 7
Autographs 6
Character readings 6
Digestive System Diseases 6
Examinations -- Questions 6
Gynecology 6
Hospitals -- Administration -- Philadelphia, Pa. 6
Lantern slides 6
Library users 6
Medical care -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865 6
∧ less
University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 41
University of Pennsylvania 40
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 39
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 35
Rush, Benjamin 23
∨ more
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 20
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 17
Chapman, Nathaniel 16
Jefferson Medical College 16
Philadelphia General Hospital 15
Fisher, Charles Perry 13
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 10
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Curator 10
Mütter Museum 10
Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 10
Coxe, John Redman 9
Physick, Philip Syng 9
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 8
Osler, William, Sir 8
Dunglison, Robley 7
Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 7
Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 7
Leidy, Joseph 7
Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 7
Philadelphia College of Medicine 7
Philadelphia County Medical Society 7
Roberts, John Bingham 7
Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 7
Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 7
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 6
Mitchell, Silas Weir 6
Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 6
Carson, Joseph 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Building Committee 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Treasurer 5
Dorsey, John Syng 5
Girvin, John H. (John Harper) 5
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 5
Jackson, Samuel 5
Parrish, Joseph 5
Radbill, Samuel X. 5
United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Board of Naval Surgeons) 5
University of Edinburgh 5
University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 5
Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 4
Bache, Franklin 4
Bache, Thomas Hewson 4
Blockley Almshouse 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library Committee 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health, Preventive, and Industrial Medicine 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 4
Curie, Marie 4
Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 4
Fowlers and Wells’ Phrenological Cabinet 4
Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 4
Gibson, William 4
Hinsdale, Guy 4
Keen, William W. (William Williams) 4
McDaniel, W. B., II (Walton Brooks) 4
Medical Library Association 4
Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 4
Pathological Society of Philadelphia 4
Pepper, William 4
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 4
Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 4
Stillé, Alfred 4
Sturgis, Samuel Booth 4
Tyson, James 4
United States. Navy 4
Wistar, Caspar 4
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 4
Abbe, Robert 3
Alms-House (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Board of Trustees 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Executive Director 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Ophthalmology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the Building Fund 3
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
Hare, Robert 3
Harvard Medical School 3
Hewson, Thomas T. 3
Horner, William E. (William Edmonds) 3
Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 3
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 3
Micozzi, Marc S. 3
Mitchell, John K. (John Kearsley) 3
Muller, George P. (George Paul) 3
Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 3
Pancoast, Joseph 3
Parke, Thomas 3
Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 3
Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 3
Sizer, Nelson 3
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