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Showing Collections: 791 - 800 of 859

United States Insole Company letter

Identifier: MSS 371
Overview United States Insole Company Papers contains a letter sent from the United States Insole Company in 1886. The United States Insole Company sold magnetic medical equipment to treat a multitude of ailments. The letter solicits interest in a free pair of magnetic insoles. This collection was discovered during a survey in the summer and fall of 2015.
Dates: 1886-04-26

W. B. Harer papers (unprocessed)

Identifier: 1992-5-1
Scope and Contents note This is a collection of papers of W. Benson Harer which includes appointment books, certificates, photographs, patient records, and drug evaluation reports. The drug evaluation reports (1955-1960) include reports for Schering; Smith, Kline & French; Squibb; Merck and others. There are patient records dating between 1944-1955, and appointment books listing the names of patients and amount paid between 1948-1967. Also included is an account book of office expenses (1949-1954) and photographs...
Dates: 1924-1967

W. S. W. Ruschenberger papers

Identifier: MSS 2/012
Scope and Contents This collection of Ruschenberger's papers contains personal correspondence. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence from Ruschenberger to his wife, Mary B. Wister, 1843-1848, and to his mother, Ann, 1826-1846. Although the correspondence with his wife is primarily concerned with domestic issues, principally the birth of their daughter, Fanny, these letters also describe a trip Ruschenberger made to Saratoga Springs in 1843 and are filled with information on basic medical...
Dates: 1822 - 1851

W. Sampson Handley manuscript on the origin of bone deposits in breast cancer

Identifier: MSS 427
Overview William Sampson Handley MD, MS, FRCS (12 April 1872 – 1962) was an English surgeon who influenced the development of cancer surgery.

Paper originally published in the Surgical Clinics of North America, vol. VII, no. 1 (February 1927): 47.

Previously catalogued as 10a 288.
Dates: circa 1927

Waldo E. Nelson papers (unprocessed)

Identifier: 1998-008
Scope and Contents note The Waldo Emerson Nelson papers contain a variety of materials relating to Emerson's professional career. The collection includes an oral history taken by the American Academy of Pediatrics. There are transcripts of speeches from the 1940s to the mid-1960s, as well as post-retirement visits and speeches. Topics covered in the speeches include pediatrics, fluid therapy, cerebral palsy and infectious diseases. Some film and glass slides that accompanied his talks are present. The collection also...
Dates: 1924-1997

Walter B. Shelley papers

Identifier: MSS 2/147
Scope and Contents This collection of 54 letters, 1951-1954, to Walter B. Shelley from dermatologists around the world, contains biographical information which was used in Shelley's Classics in clinical dermatology (1953). Most of the correspondents convey photographs and information on their own life, career, and work or that of relatives.Correspondents are: Stuart D. Allen, Paul Blum, Aldo Castellani, Helen O. Curth, Niels Danbolt, Oskar Gans, Henri Gougerot, Sir Archibald Gray, Sven...
Dates: 1951 - 1954

Walter Freeman autobiography

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/014-02
Scope and Contents Unbound typescript autobiography of Walter Freeman, written 1961-1970, discussing Freeman’s life, Keen and Freeman families, his father, Walter J. Freeman, and Freeman’s work in neurology, neuropathology, psychosurgery, and schizophrenia. Notable subjects are: Freeman’s work and disagreement with James W. Watts on prefrontal and transorbital lobotomy; the second International Neurological Congress (1935); Freeman’s follow-up studies of lobotomy patients; establishment of the El Camino Hospital...
Dates: 1961 - 1970

Walter Freeman correspondence

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/014-01
Scope and Contents This small collection of letters from Walter Freeman to two Japanese neurosurgeons, Mizuho Nakata and Sadao Hirose, gives some indication of Freeman's own views on psychosurgery and lobotomy and is also filled with personal information on Freeman's career and family. There are no original items in the collection, only photocopies of original material in the possession of either Franklin Freeman or Sadao Hirose.The 1948 letter to Mizuho Nakata from Walter Freeman discusses a...
Dates: 1848; 1955-1972

Walter Hughson papers

Identifier: MSS 2/077
Scope and Contents This collection of Walter Hughson's papers, 1921-1945, including his correspondence, records of research and work on special projects, writings, and lectures, documents his professional work in otology, particularly the aural rehabilitation of soldiers deafened in war and hearing aid development.The collection is divided into four series. Series 1 contains Hughson's correspondence with colleagues on various otological or surgical matters, including the treatment of headaches...
Dates: 1921 - 1945

Washington L. Atlee correspondence

Identifier: MSS 386
Overview Washington Lemuel Atlee was born in Lancaster, PA, on February 22, 1808. He began studying medicine under his eldest brother, Dr. John Light Atlee, at the age of 15. By 1826, when Atlee started his formal medical education at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA, he had already attended over 40 obstetrics cases. He graduated from Jefferson in the spring of 1829 after completing two full courses of lectures.In 1844, Atlee accepted the position of Chair of Medical...
Dates: 1851 - 1855

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Correspondence 352
Minutes 109
Lecture notes 106
Reports 89
Financial records 79
∨ more
Photographs 68
Clippings 45
Speeches (documents) 38
Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 37
Medicine -- Practices 36
Committees 34
Ledgers (account books) 34
Annual reports 33
Essays 33
Lectures 33
Typescripts 31
Materia Medica 30
Medical libraries -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 28
Patient records 28
Daybooks 27
Manuscripts (documents) 26
Obstetrics 24
Anatomy 23
Patients 23
Recipes 23
Surgery 23
Diaries 21
Medicine -- Practice -- Accounting 20
Publications (documents) 19
Certificates 18
Pathology 17
Physiology 17
Research notes 17
Admission tickets 16
Medical students -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 16
Membership records 16
Bylaws (administrative records) 15
Genealogies (histories) 15
Physicians -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 15
Chemistry 14
Library catalogs 14
Prescriptions 14
Fellows 13
Medical illustration 13
Medical museums 13
Casebooks 12
Programs (documents) 12
Special events 12
Women in medicine 12
Yellow Fever 12
Awards 11
Biography files 11
Medical societies 11
Memorandums 11
Philadelphia (Pa.) 11
Physicians 11
Administrative records 10
Anatomical abnormalities 10
Collections management (Libraries) 10
Dissection 10
Fever 10
Gifts 10
Medical records 10
Pathological museums 10
Phrenology 10
Receipts (financial records) 10
Case studies 9
Catalogs 9
Ephemera 9
General Surgery 9
Newsletters 9
Reprints 9
Scrapbooks 9
Articles 8
Grants 8
Medicine -- History 8
Midwifery 8
Poetry 8
Therapeutics 8
Account books 7
Book collecting 7
Clinical notes 7
Deeds 7
Diplomas 7
Finance 7
Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
Medical libraries 7
Medical offices -- Nineteenth century 7
Medical schools -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- History 7
Ophthalmologists -- Philadelphia, Pa. 7
Physicians -- Nineteenth century 7
Autographs 6
Character readings 6
Digestive System Diseases 6
Examinations -- Questions 6
Gynecology 6
Hospitals -- Administration -- Philadelphia, Pa. 6
Lantern slides 6
Library users 6
Medical care -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865 6
∧ less
University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 41
University of Pennsylvania 40
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 39
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 35
Rush, Benjamin 23
∨ more
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 20
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 17
Chapman, Nathaniel 16
Jefferson Medical College 16
Philadelphia General Hospital 15
Fisher, Charles Perry 13
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 10
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Curator 10
Mütter Museum 10
Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 10
Coxe, John Redman 9
Physick, Philip Syng 9
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 8
Osler, William, Sir 8
Dunglison, Robley 7
Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 7
Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 7
Leidy, Joseph 7
Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 7
Philadelphia College of Medicine 7
Philadelphia County Medical Society 7
Roberts, John Bingham 7
Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 7
Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 7
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 6
Mitchell, Silas Weir 6
Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 6
Carson, Joseph 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Building Committee 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Treasurer 5
Dorsey, John Syng 5
Girvin, John H. (John Harper) 5
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 5
Jackson, Samuel 5
Parrish, Joseph 5
Radbill, Samuel X. 5
United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Board of Naval Surgeons) 5
University of Edinburgh 5
University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 5
Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 4
Bache, Franklin 4
Bache, Thomas Hewson 4
Blockley Almshouse 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library Committee 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health, Preventive, and Industrial Medicine 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 4
Curie, Marie 4
Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 4
Fowlers and Wells’ Phrenological Cabinet 4
Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 4
Gibson, William 4
Hinsdale, Guy 4
Keen, William W. (William Williams) 4
McDaniel, W. B., II (Walton Brooks) 4
Medical Library Association 4
Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 4
Pathological Society of Philadelphia 4
Pepper, William 4
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 4
Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 4
Stillé, Alfred 4
Sturgis, Samuel Booth 4
Tyson, James 4
United States. Navy 4
Wistar, Caspar 4
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 4
Abbe, Robert 3
Alms-House (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Board of Trustees 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Executive Director 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Ophthalmology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the Building Fund 3
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
Hare, Robert 3
Harvard Medical School 3
Hewson, Thomas T. 3
Horner, William E. (William Edmonds) 3
Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 3
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 3
Micozzi, Marc S. 3
Mitchell, John K. (John Kearsley) 3
Muller, George P. (George Paul) 3
Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 3
Pancoast, Joseph 3
Parke, Thomas 3
Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 3
Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 3
Sizer, Nelson 3
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